To strengthen our roots and establish higher awareness, as well truth, balance, wisdom, love and compassion
Indigenous and spiritual people all over the world know that:
• We are one with the Mother Earth and with all of creation
• We can become whole only if our attention is focused in reality, which is the here-and-now, the present moment
• To grow and improve oneself we must be silent and listen to the small voice within, the Spirit
• We should always be respectful, considerate, generous, helpful and sensitive to everyone around us
• By journeying into the center of one’s being it is possible for a person to experience a connection with Spirit, each other and the rest of the universe, but especially between one’s soul and the Creator. It is of the heart, not mind
• Introspection is to see ourselves as we truly are, and that to benefit by introspection requires a great daily effort. Our elders teach us that each morning upon waking and each night before sleeping we must meet our Creator alone in a place we have set aside for prayer, meditation and deep personal reflection
• We must practice moderation and balance in all things
• We must be detached and impartial but see clearly to be able to understand the small but powerful voice of Truth in our heart