The We Are One Tour will be crossing continents and seas to land in the United States from 16 July to 1 August. On our journey within to nourish the threads of love that bind us together, the travel without
LOVE AMERICA Tour in Colorado – Aug, 2018!
Free meditation and music events will be held in Lone Tree, Boulder and Aurora, CO. Love America Tour is comprised of over 160 international volunteer meditation instructors, musicians and artists from around the world, traveling throughout the USA to offer
Live FB Presentation: Intro and foot soak cleansing technique (video)
Lone Tree Library, The Studio room 01.25.2017 For more classes and schedule, please click here
Meditating with kids at Fort Collins: Sustainable Living Fair
Sahaja Meditation is for everyone! And can be especially calming and useful for kids! Today we are at the Sustainable Living Fair in Fort Collins. We run weekly classes and they are always FREE!
9 News Denver Health Fair – April 25, 2015
Local instructors provide guided meditation experiences in one-on-one settings and also in groups. Simple sahaja meditation techniques allow one to meditate anywhere and anytime. Benefits could be felt almost immediately.
Dragon Boat Festival – 2012: find inner coolness on the hot day
Beautiful summer day, and our team provides intro sessions to the Coloradans. Grounding – meditating while sitting on the grass or walking bear feet provides lots of health benefits. To learn more, join our classes. All ages are welcome. Always
All Creeds, All Traditions
To practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation is to be true to your Self and to the truth of your traditions, because Truth is absolute. The essence of many, if not all, spiritual beliefs share a common thread – “Know Yourself.” We
Energy of Joy – Sahaja youth on Realize America tour of 2010
Some photos from Black Arts Festival – Denver, CO 2010 – enjoy!
Sahaja Meditation Programs at several Native American Reservations
To strengthen our roots and establish higher awareness, as well truth, balance, wisdom, love and compassion Truth Indigenous and spiritual people all over the world know that: • We are one with the Mother Earth and with all of creation